The skull, which was hidden in a jacket inside their carry-on luggage, belonged to a green sea turtle — a federally listed endangered species that is illegal to possess and transport.
GALVESTON, Texas — A large group of green ... The sea turtles were nursed back to health under the care of the zoo's veterinary department and Texas A&M Galveston's Gulf Center for Sea Turtle ...
FLORIDA KEYS, Florida (KFOR) – A 200-pound green sea turtle named JP Saul was released back into the ocean on Thursday, March 6, after recovering from a flipper amputation. Two fisherman spotted ...
The increase in strandings, mostly juvenile green sea turtles, is likely due to prolonged exposure to cold water. The strandings are part of a larger trend of rising sea turtle strandings in ...
Experts from Chinese universities, along with staff at the protection center, protect the turtles and their habitats and conduct studies on the status of green sea turtle populations. Since the ...
There are five Florida sea turtle species: Hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, Loggerhead, Leatherback and green. For part of the year, the beach becomes home to sea turtles who are in the nesting process.