Death. It’s a taboo topic for many – some avoid the topic altogether. But there are those who confront it head on and help the rest of us do so, too. They’re called death doulas.
Kübler-Ross, a Swiss-American psychiatrist, developed a theory to explain the stages of grief and death. However, the model can also be effectively applied to understand how people and ...
Interesting times, to say the least. So many people are going through various stages and shapes of grief. Grief for loved ones, grief for what could have been, grief for homes burned to the ground, ...
Teeing off in 44-degree weather last week – wearing three shirts, a hoodie, two pairs of socks, and thermal skivvies – my ...
After losing her three children and her husband of 20 years, Dr. Cristi Bundukamara is aversely yet intimately familiar with ...
Rising alternative pop band ‘Cup of Joe’ continues to carve its place in the OPM scene as the band unveils their sophomore ...