If you want to go high bandwidth, fiber optics is the way to go. From trans-oceanic cables to the yet-unseen ‘fiber to every home,’ fiber optics allows a lot more bandwidth than a copper cable.
Cadmium-based nanostructures are opening new possibilities in near-infrared (NIR) technology, from medical imaging to fiber ...
Gould Fiber Optics is a leading worldwide manufacturer and supplier of premium passive fiber optic components and specializes in fully tested integrated fiber optic solutions & services. Products ...
A mechanical device designed to align fiber-optic connectors. It contains the split sleeve (interconnect sleeve) that holds the two ferrules together. A mechanical fixture within the adapter body ...
They investigate fiber-optic and photonic communication systems, including high-capacity digital communication systems and analog RF-over-fiber systems. Faculty also develop fiber-optic and photonic ...
The scandal, where a fiber optics company is refusing to pay their ... happens when we sideline the expertise and the voice of organized labor. Let’s not repeat this mistake.
LEONI is a global supplier of wires, optical fibers, cables and cable systems as well as related development services for applications in the automotive business and other industries.
A thin strand of glass designed for light transmission. A single hair-thin optical fiber is capable of transmitting trillions of bits per second. In addition to their huge transmission capacity ...
If light is directed into one end of a glass fiber, it will emerge at the other end. Bundles of such fibers can be used to conduct images over a tortuous path and to transform them in various ways ...