“NASH causes the liver to swell and become damaged due to the fat deposits in the liver. NASH may get worse and may lead to serious liver scarring, called cirrhosis, and even liver cance ...
If you're looking to lose a few pounds without hitting the gym, there are plenty of lifestyle changes you can make to help ...
A new study suggests that beta blockers could reduce fat accumulation in the liver of mice genetically predisposed to ...
These include excess body weight (obesity), which is one of the main causes of fat buildup in the liver. People with metabolic syndrome, a combination of high blood pressure, high blood sugar ...
A deeper understanding of a gene that predisposes patients to fatty liver disease may open new avenues for treatment of the ...
The result suggests that the protein made by the gene, known as Nwd1, and other molecules it interacts with could be ...
Check out the bone-boosting benefits of beans! Rich in protein, folate, and antioxidants, beans support bone health, heart ...
Fatty liver disease can be addressed by combining turmeric and black coffee, leveraging their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric reduces liver inflammation, while coffee aids ...