In the past 20 years, Yellowstone's two bison subpopulations have become one large interbreeding herd, according to the new genetic study, published Sept. 13, 2024 in the Journal of Heredity.
During inclement weather, they were sheltered in straw-bedded barns. In contrast, the rearing of farmed animals today is dominated by industrialized facilities (commonly referred to as “factory farms” ...
By the late nineteenth century, the scientific name bison (which comes from the Latin word for “wild ox”) became the preferred word among trained naturalists. William T. Hornaday’s major ...
Plains bison numbers, which were once nearly driven to extinction, are on the rise across the United States and Canada, with 45,000 found across North America today. Bison conservation isn’t ...
In 1988, with assistance from farmers, veterinarians and ethologists who specialize in the natural behavior of farmed animals, AWI developed its first set of pig husbandry standards. In 1989, AWI ...