The author crossed the pond to stalk the Cotswolds with renowned chef, restaurateur and deer stalker Mike Robinson.
I think that the best place to look for shed antlers is to hunt where deer, especially bucks, were feeding back in January. Good locations would be any agricultural fields such as corn ...
Deer passed here, and maybe one dropped their antlers not too long ago. I notice where the deer stirred up the forest floor, overturned the leaves and walked through. In a clearing, they pawed the ...
First, the Cervinae, which includes muntjacs, red deer, elks, and fallow deer ... Reindeer have more prominent and denser antlers than whitetail deer. However, the critical difference is in ...
A tangled deer had to be cut free by firefighters after discarded plastic netting wrapped around his antlers and trapped him in a tree. The Fallow deer was spotted by a member of the public in ...
Fallow deer are smaller than red deer and bigger than roe deer, but if their size doesn't give their identity away, their long tail with a black stripe and palmate antlers should. The female (doe ...
A new species of fallow deer, Dama roberti, described by Adrian Lister and Marzia Breda in 2013. Left: fossil skull and antlers from Pakefield, Suffolk. Right: reconstruction by David Waterhouse.