Your partner's dad was special to your entire family. Here's how to get started in honoring him with your words.
When Dave Dennis gave the eulogy at the funeral of James Chaney—who was killed along with two other civil rights workers in the summer of 1964—some implored him to make his speech quiet ...
In a eulogy delivered Thursday morning, per the Associated Press, the former first lady said of her mother: “In her presence, the world seemed to shimmer with radiance and joy. Our bond was ...
a confused but comely college freshman who juggles preparation of the eulogy with internal debate over what to do with her childhood friend-turned-suitor, Ryan.
The “Put It on Me” rapper, 48, choked up as he delivered a heartfelt eulogy to celebrate his longtime friend in front of hip-hop’s finest at the Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York on ...