you might find value in his DIY energy meter build. [Giovanni] built his energy meter to monitor energy usage in his whole home. An ESP32 serves as the heart of this build. It’s hooked up with a ...
Around 530,000 households are still yet to upgrade from an RTS meter, according to the latest figures from Energy UK. Suppliers have been racing to move customers to smart meters before the deadline.
Not ones to disappoint, the scientists have found consistently false readings that in some cases are 582% higher than actual energy consumption. With experiments lasting for six months ...
In addition, since you will be able to see your energy use in dollars and cents if you get an in-house display to go with your smart meter, it should help you to be a little more energy efficient.
Energy smart meters have been justifiably labelled as the one piece of household technology that we will absolutely need as we enter the brave new world of power usage management. There'll be no need ...