The lovely flowers embarrass me. They make me regret I am not a bee.” — Emily Dickinson Today was the launch of two wool ...
"Embroidery is an art form where you're using thread and then ... it on clothes and it's just a beautiful thing," Eenigenburg ...
Growing, processing and selling dried flowers could put you on the path to self-employment, independence and financial freedom. One of the best aspects about setting this business in motion is the ...
Zardozi is a luxurious hand embroidery of gold and silver favored ... fareesha and French Knots are finer forms of zardozi Flowers, leaves and paisleys are common zardozi motifs.
Each garment is embroidered with a variety of symbols including birds, trees and flowers. The embroidery is sewn with silk thread on wool, linen or cotton, and the choice of colours and designs ...