The Eighth Army began its portion of Freedom Shield 2025 on March 9, 2025. Freedom Shield is an 11-day exercise ...
Ceremonies were carried out throughout the Korean peninsula March 6, 2025, as garrison Soldiers donned the Eighth Army patch.
For more than two months the U.S. Eighth Air Force in Britain has had a new acting commander, to replace wiry, nervous Major General Carl Andrew Spaatz, now head U.S. airman in Africa. Last week ...
Colonel Hason has made a valuable contribution to the study of the Korean War, yet actually says very little about the conflict itself, focusing instead on the preparation of the Eighth Army, and ...
In February of the following year, along with Li Mingrui and Yu Zuoyu, he launched the Longzhou Uprising , creating the Zuojiang Soviet Government and the Eighth Army and serving as its Political ...
FACTBOX. On August 13-27, 2022, the 8th International Army Games (IAG-2022) will be held at the military training grounds in twelve countries: Russia, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Armenia, Belarus ...
The number of KATUSAs, ROK soldiers assigned to U.S. Army operations in Korea, will increase. “I asked ROK Army Chief of ...
Montgomery, commonly referred to as "Monty," initially earned distinction during World War II due to his highly effective leadership of the British Eighth Army in North Africa. There, Montgomery ...
The propaganda documengtary about youth coming to Yan'an and join the communist party. The film was shot and negatives were sent to Soviet for post-production. The film studio from Soviet Union ...
More than 50 workers submerged under snow and debris after an avalanche hit a construction camp in Uttarakhand state.