The Don Draper consists of a cut that is shorter on ... such as Uppercut's Matte Clay and run it through the top of your hair with your fingers. 2. Allow your hair to air-dry.
This old-fashioned whisky cocktail is an out-and-out classic of the 1960s that will make you feel like a sharp-suited Don Draper in no time. Take the orange peel and squeeze it with your fingers.
The show followed Don Draper, played by Jon Hamm, as a 1960s ad man working at Sterling Cooper, the New York advertising ...
He is best known for his role as the dapper Don Draper in Mad Men. But Jon Hamm sported a roughed up look and new haircut while filming on the Atlanta set of his upcoming crime drama on Thursday.
Based on what we know so far about the series, there are more than a few parallels between Don Draper and Hamm’s latest TV leading role. Keep reading to find out about the show's plot ...