The alpha dog was tranquilized but continued running for about half a mile before officers finally caught it, Parker said. Officers said the story about the wild pack was “making headlines ...
By Monday, they announced that they had captured the leader of the pack and another dog in the town that's about 85 miles northeast of Raleigh. According to a Facebook post from the Scotland Neck ...
SCOTLAND NECK, N.C. (WNCN) — Police in central North Carolina say a pack of wild dogs is still plaguing ... On Monday, however, police said the alpha dog of the group had been captured.
PUT ON AFTER A FEW YEARS OFF BECAUSE OF A LACK OF SNOW PACK ... at the Derby for the three-dog Junior Championship Race, part of the now 96-year-old event. "I love running with my dogs, working ...
None of the three teams battling one another along the portage to Unalakleet and the trail beyond has ever won the race ...