and implement strategic initiatives to promote disability as a form of diversity at Miami. Apply for services, understand documentation guidelines, manage existing accommodations, and support your ...
We’re committed to making a Hope education accessible. Disability and Accessibility Resources (DAR) assists the college with its mission of educating students for lives of leadership and service in a ...
Boston College is committed to the accessibility of its programs and services to students with disabilities, including accommodating service and assistance animals in accordance with its obligations ...
Baylor College of Medicine is committed to providing equal educational access for qualified students with disabilities in accordance with ... auxiliary aids and services which are in line with state ...
The college will seek out available Braille resources and provide this service to the greatest extent possible. Students will need to work closely with disability services and plan ahead. Students ...
Students must pay for these services. Some schools, such as Beacon College in Florida and Landmark College in Vermont, exist specifically to serve students with learning disabilities. "What I want ...
The goal of Morehead State's Office of Disability Services is to ensure that the University's programs, activities, services and the campus itself are accessible to all of our students and visitors.
Disability Services is dedicated to providing students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in university programs, courses and activities through reasonable accommodations and ...