So far, NCTD and SANDAG have added a second set of tracks to more than three-quarters of the 60-mile corridor between ...
The 22nd DAA, also known as the fair board, suspended its talks with the city last month because of disagreements over a proposal to reroute the train tracks off Del Mar’s eroding coastal bluffs to a ...
S ANDAG’s stabilization of the Del Mar bluffs is part of the LOSSAN Corridor, a 60-mile stretch of railway through San Diego. The agency tells NBC 7 they are about one month into its fifth and ...
DEL MAR, Calif. — Construction crews are working around the clock until Monday morning on the railroad as part of the Del Mar Bluffs Phase Five Stabilization Project. It’s an effort to ...
SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. — Sen. Adam Schiff took the train along the coast to see the Del Mar bluffs for himself Saturday. Erosion along the bluffs has threatened the stability of the train tracks.
The 259-unit Seaside Ridge development proposed for a scenic spot called the North Bluff on the coast near the Solana Beach ...
In the city of Del Mar, near San Diego, most agree the train tracks must move off eroding bluffs. But debate over its new route has stalled the project while climate change raises the risks.
Five options for moving the railroad tracks off the Del Mar bluffs will go through an environmental review this spring. On Friday, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) board voted to ...
California state leaders and local leaders met in San Diego County on Saturday to discuss the importance and funding of the Del Mar Bluff Stabilization ... to hold up the bluffs,” SANDAG CEO ...
The Del Mar train tracks were in the federal spotlight Saturday after national and local leaders toured the area amid the bluffs stabilization project.
The train tracks on the bluffs of Del Mar are part of the vital 351-mile Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo, or LOSSAN rail corridor, connecting San Diego to the rest of the nation. Hundreds of ...
(FOX 5/KUSI) — The Del Mar train tracks were in the federal spotlight Saturday after national and local leaders toured the area amid the bluffs stabilization project. This comes amid the ongoing ...