I’ve been hunting in the woods lately, but without a firearm or a bow. Vernal pools are boiling with mating wood frogs. Honking geese fill the skies. Trees have not yet begun to bud so the sun ...
"Drivers are also reminded to slow down and be on the lookout for deer on highways. Not only are bucks in pursuit of a mate, but animals are also migrating to winter range and will be more present ...
Deer generally ignore this blooming perennial ... where they are important nectar sources for migrating monarchs.
The average weight of a female is about 155 lb (maximum, 218 lb). The range is from southern Canada to Panama except for parts of the western and southwestern U.S. The white-tailed deer was uncommon ...
But in the far north of Scotland known as The Flow Country, fans celebrate the bog as a tapestry of 9,000 years of ...
fans celebrate the bog as a tapestry of 9,000 years of accumulated flora and reflective pools that support herds of red deer, attract migrating birds, and sequester carbon. In the Highland ...