In the last ten years, at least 15 species have officially checked out, never to be seen again. It's ironic to think how ...
Quetzalcoatlus, one of the largest known flying animals, lived around 70-65 ... highlight its impressive size and the potentially deadly nature of its magnificent antlers. The moa, native to New ...
Reintroduction of captive-bred animals has had mixed success. This California butterfly lost habitat to grazing and drought and is considered to be extinct. The last live one was seen in the wild ...
The private Dallas company is behind efforts to resurrect the mammoth and other extinct animals. Colossal said its woolly mouse would enable its scientists to test hypotheses about the link ...
Colossal has focused on identifying key traits of extinct animals by studying ancient DNA, with a goal to genetically "engineer them into living animals," said CEO Ben Lamm. In a 2023 interview ...
The panther population at one point in the 1990s dropped to around 50 animals, in part because of inbreeding that caused numerous health problems. That led officials to import eight female Texas ...
Since then, the company has focused on identifying key traits of extinct animals by studying ancient DNA, with a goal to genetically “engineer them into living animals,” said CEO Ben Lamm.