A prequel sequence for "The Dalek Invasion of Earth" showing the Daleks arrival in 2157. Ten years later a time traveller and his companions would arrive to save the world.
Have you seen the Master-ful Dalek graffiti that has been appearing across Peterborough? Beware! A Dalek invasion of Peterborough has begun. Eagle-eyed residents will have noticed Dalek graffiti ...
Policeman Tom Campbell stumbles into the TARDIS on a normal day and ends up being taken to 2150 A.D, by Dr. Who. The future seems to be deserted, but the group soon finds out that the world is ...
Ian plans to derail the Daleks' plan by sabotaging their bomb and the Doctor works to turn the Robomen against them. Afterwards, a tearful Susan remains on Earth with her new love.
Doctor Who (1963–1996) — Season 2, The Dalek Invasion of Earth: Day of Reckoning The rebel attack on the Dalek flying saucer has failed and London is crawling with Daleks. BBC One ...