A Black medic credited with treating many wounded soldiers on D-Day has been posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland announced Monday.
A medal richly deserved but long denied to an African American combat medic wounded on Omaha Beach in the D-Day landings was tenderly laid Friday on the hallowed sands where he saved lives and ...
Charles Shay has traveled to Normandy nearly every year since 2007 to perform a sage ceremony on Omaha Beach, where he served as an Army medic on D-Day. "I remember my family and ancestors," Shay ...
Charles Shay, Penobscot Indian, was just 19 years old when he landed on Omaha Beach in the first wave as a medic on June 6th, 1944. Travelling back to Omaha Beach each yea D-Day Warriors ...