They were the 18th-century equivalent of buying a Lamborghini. The garden in Williamsburg belonged to John Custis IV, a tobacco plantation owner who served in Virginia’s colonial legislature. He is ...
Special to The New York Times. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the ...
The Woodlawn plantation in Northern Virginia has long been one of those ... it was home to George Washington’s ...
At the time of the marriage, Martha Custis was rumored to be one of the wealthiest widows in Virginia. Washington was a military hero with a promising career in politics. The marriage allowed ...
Arlington House, located on a high hill within Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, is one of many national park sites along the George Washington Memorial Parkway. Built by George ...
The garden in Williamsburg belonged to John Custis IV, a tobacco plantation owner who served in Virginia's colonial legislature. He is perhaps best known as the first father-in-law of Martha ...