Keep the cutting in moist soil until it roots. 6. Crepe Myrtle Crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) is not native to the US, but has become naturalized and is very popular in the south. A small ...
So when is it too late to prune crape myrtles if you want blooms in the summer? Along with not cutting off next year’s flowers, your pruning goals are to encourage strong new growth and maintain ...
Q: My crape myrtles are growing in an area that has become shady by nearby oaks and have reduced flowering. Will cutting them back stimulate more blooms? A: Regretfully your crape myrtles have ...
A crepe myrtle that's been cut all the way back to its trunk is a ... "Lightly prune them in early spring, and avoid any heavy cutting, while focusing on shaping over doing any drastic pruning." And, ...