Commodore C-128, the last mass production 8 bit computer and first home computer with 40 and 80 column displays, dual processors, three operating systems, 128k memory via MMU and one heck of a ...
The Commodore 128 was a direct follow-up to C64 that only ever sold a few million units versus the C64's mighty estimated peak of 17 million units. By the time Commodore 128 launched, it was the ...
[Cameron] however, plugged his ComputerEyes into a Commodore 128. This machine, largely designed by Hackaday contributor [Bil Herd], has an unusual hardware architecture consisting of two ...
Before eventually becoming available for other systems, Quantum Computer Services began offering its Quantum Link software to owners of the Commodore 64 and 128 PCs in November 1985. Q-Link was ...