A community of rare fish enthusiasts collects endangered species of freshwater fish from lakes and springs around the world, ...
These Gouldian finches show how colorful nature can be and ... the orange roughy fish might not seem obviously endangered. However, the species is being overfished, and trawlers are targeting ...
Pointing to its battle against an evasive species and threats posed by climate change, the Fish and Wildlife Service on Friday extended Endangered Species Act protection to a small, colorful fish ...
Tropical birds are famous for their brightly colored feathers, and many fish species are dazzling ... because of habitat loss ...
Harlequin rasboras are common, colorful aquarium fish that carry with them a slightly ... harlequin rasboras are considered locally endangered. The largest threats to harlequin rasboras are ...
With their beautifully colorful shells ... and empty shells serve as nesting sites for small fish like darters. Unfortunately, for all their allure, freshwater mussels are the most endangered group of ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently downlisted the red-cockaded woodpecker from endangered to threatened ... confuse the species with other, more colorful woodpeckers.
Now, President Donald Trump could usher the delta smelt from endangered to extinct, ending decades of work to revive fish that were once abundant in the bay in order to allow a freer flow of water ...
“It’s understood that when you’re looking at any given plant group or region you’d expect about a quarter percent, maybe up to a third of that group might be endangered,” says Gary ...
That sort of defines me.” All of George’s fish are endangered Rift Lake cichlids: colorful, freshwater fish native to the Great Lakes of East Africa. Inside his 42 tanks, expertly squeezed ...