Students Kaitlyn Kinnaird, Emma Johnson, Kailee Rowe, Charis Morasch and Dylan Young attended the the Eta Sigma Phi Convention in Minnesota, along with professor Daniel Levine.
The Department of Classical Languages and Literatures regards its principal mission as instruction of students in the languages and literatures of ancient Greece and Rome. We believe that the study of ...
Introduction to listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Latin and to the culture of Latin-speaking regions. This course meets three (3) hours per week in the classroom and requires at least one ...
The Department of Classical Studies is one of the original departments at William & Mary. We study the ancient Mediterranean world using an interdisciplinary approach: we offer courses in material ...
The Department of Classical Studies collaborates with the Education Program on Latin teaching licensure. For more information or to choose your licensure course requirements, contact the Brandeis ...