Across the United States millions of dollars' worth of cigars are sold monthly, some for $250 or more each--making this a very lucrative market. Once you've secured a wholesale source for ...
You may remember that recently I talked about not buying cigar boxes as gifts. I stand by that for a few reasons. The biggest is that they can be expensive, even on sale, and a box includes a lot ...
House Bill 1468, authored by State Rep. Kyle Miller, D-Fort Wayne, passed through the House of Representatives on Feb. 10 and now moves to the Senate. The bill ...
The district manager claimed that no Black & Mild cigars had actually been sold because the store’s point-of-sale system would have prevented a store clerk from ringing the product through the ...
What happens when more than 1,000 aficionados meet with artisans who make their favorite cigars? They’ll spend four days ...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has got me smoking mad. Last week, the FDA released 499 pages of new regulations that ...
Kentucky lawmakers have advanced a bill that — if passed — would create a small exception in Lexington's more than ...
A mandated jump in cigar prices to discourage young smokers has some city councilors criticizing its effect on small ...