Six days before Chris Watts strangled her in their home, Shanann Watts reportedly texted a friend that he had grown cold to her Adam Carlson is the senior editor for human interest at PEOPLE ...
Grim wedding footage has surfaced showing murderer Chris Watts with his hands 'balled up into fists' as he watches his bride, Shanann, dance - a haunting precursor to the day he would brutally ...
As a haunting wedding video shows murderer Chris Watts 'rigidly' staring at his wife Shanann, who he would later strangle to death along with their two daughters circulates, experts say that this ...
Video Shows Pregnant Shanann Watts Entering Home Before Husband Murdered Her Chris Watts Will Not Fight Wrongful Death Suit Filed by Shanann Watts's Family After Murders Shanann Watts, Laci ...
When Chris Watts stoically yet smirkingly pleaded to television cameras for the safe return of his missing pregnant wife Shanann and their two young daughters, dark secrets loomed just beneath the ...
When Chris Watts stoically yet smirkingly pleaded to television cameras for the safe return of his missing pregnant wife Shanann and their two young daughters, dark secrets loomed just beneath the ...
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