These films are usually more hit than miss, but Netflix’s Choose or Die from 2022 is a lot more entertaining than its initial reviews might have you believe. Turning a retro computer game into a ...
The British film lands this Friday on Netflix with the aim of exciting fans of retro games. Let's talk about it: after running a mysterious game of survival and horror from the eighties ...
Rebecca Davis says that she and her brother, who started working on "Join or Die" in 2017, always saw it as a potential ...
But either choose or die, as indicated by the title of the Toby Meakins film written by Simon Allen. Isaac, a friend of the girl, also understands that she has opened a Black Mirror version of ...
The Prodigy’s Liam Howlett has soundtracked new Netflix video game horror Choose Or Die starring Asa Butterfield and Iola Evans – watch the trailer now.