Black women face higher C-section rates than white women at 1 in 5 hospitals, despite progress in other areas of maternal ...
BHUBANESWAR: Amid serious concerns over rising cesarean section (C-section) deliveries in the state, tribal-dominated ...
Newsweek spoke with a medical expert who confirmed that Laura Constante's way of staying active during pregnancy was beneficial.
See if your local hospital is among the 16. Only 25% of participating Michigan hospitals met the benchmark for C-section ...
After giving birth, your body goes through many changes, and your vagina needs time to heal. Whether you had a vaginal ...
People who experience unplanned c-sections and failed vaginal deliveries during childbirth are more likely to develop PTSD and other mental health issues, according to a new study.
The number of caesarean or C-section deliveries in private hospitals is significantly higher than in government hospitals, as ...
The number of caesarean (C-section) deliveries in private hospitals is significantly higher than in government hospitals, as ...
Doctor noted down the things to be careful about while choosing elective C-section for childbirth. Elective C-section refers to the process of childbirth through surgery before the start of labour.
Johnson-Dean finally insisted she go to the emergency room. Doctors discovered she was suffering from peripartum cardiomyopathy, a rare condition in which the heart weakens that can happen in the last ...