Most chewing gum on sale is made from a variety of oil-based synthetic rubbers—similar to the plastic material used in car ...
Come to think of it, you probably still believe that. Gum was also contraband in school, and getting caught chewing it could land you in the principal’s office — maybe even with a dreaded ...
To find out, researchers recruited 52 university students in Korea, sorted them into a gum-chewing group and a wood ... Mileage Club" at Ford Elementary School in Acworth, Ga., ...
Palaeontologists have discovered 66 three-toed dinosaur footprints in a slab of rock that has been on display for 20 years at ...
The first-round draftee Davis said that chewing gum can help relax a player and reduce stress — and “there have been studies that have been done.” Studies? Like, by actual science people?
The actor was chewing gum when he approached the stage after ... Jackie Vernon-Thompson, founder and CEO of the From the Inside-Out School of Etiquette, told HuffPost that she was “in immediate ...