Coca-Cola is one of those brands that's had a ton of luck creating catchy, well-known advertising slogans for its product.
They decided to focus on a simple and to the point television advert - something unusual for the time, with flashy slogans being common. The pair needed a punchy tagline to finish the ad.
A brief, catchy slogan can be placed ... Many large companies spend millions of dollars with ad agencies and image consultants to come up with new slogans. Communicating the new slogans can ...
Consumers often come up with cute and catchy nicknames for brands they know and love—think “Mickey D’s” for McDonald’s, “Bimmer” (and variations like “Beamer”) for BMW or “Bud ...
Personally, I’m a fan of Nebraska’s, “It’s Not for Everyone.” Kind of sums up all that wide open space and corn, doesn’t it?
Cogan also created slogans for the Soviet Jewry movement and ... with a special outreach to unaffiliated Jews was looking for a catchy slogan to encourage young people to take on the rigors ...