Text overlaid onto the clip reads, “Cat owners, this is what feline asthma looks like,” while the cat parent adds in the ...
Her father-in-law is allergic. She's made every effort to accommodate them and still keep the cat, but they won't budge.
Ask the Shelter is a weekly feature aimed at pet education. If you have a question, contact Jennifer Vanderau, public ...
When your allergic pet gnaws on her haunch or licks his feet incessantly, the habit might annoy you just as much as it does ...
Stay informed, practise good hygiene and seek prompt veterinary care to protect your cats from avian influenza ...
Histamine makes lots of changes in your body. It adjusts your blood vessels and tissues so more immune cells can rush to the area. It makes a bunch of mucus. It tells the muscles in your airways, ...
Spring is prime time for cats to shed their winter coats, leading to even more hair and an uptick in potential symptoms for those sensitive to cat allergens. Luckily, Carolyn Forté, our resident ...
The Cattitude Cafe in downtown Sioux Falls will be discontinuing its food service and closing its kitchen to make room for ...
The research found that children raised with two or more indoor pets are half as likely to develop common allergies ...
Spring is prime time for cats to shed their winter coats. Here's how to handle all the fur to prevent allergies and keep your home clean and fresh.