"We believe these changes are correlated with ... disturbances." Scientists sound alarm after tracking dramatic shift in ...
Alaska wildlife officials push to continue its aerial predator-control program despite a court ruling that says the program ...
Once one of the state's largest caribou herds, the low population of Southwest Alaska's Mulchatna herd has failed to recover.
Once one of the states largest caribou herds, southwestern Alaska's Mulchatna caribou herds' low population has failed to ...
Migrating ungulates, like caribou, follow seasonally available foods, tracking gradients in rainfall, snow depth and safety from predators. Barren-ground caribou in the North American Arctic are ...
Caribou “recovery” efforts then focus on ... is not typically done quickly enough following logging, thus enabling predators to more easily track and kill their prey. But the biggest challenge ...
Some have suggested that since mammal urine, such as that of wolves, reflects UV light, the caribou could use this info to help them avoid predators. This would give the caribou some warning of ...
Data came from some 1.7 million relocations of the caribou. While these sub-populations have historically migrated between ...
Migrating ungulates, like caribou, follow seasonally available foods, tracking gradients in rainfall, snow depth and safety from predators. Barren-ground caribou in the North American Arctic are ...