Then look at cash back cards that offer rewards in those categories. A cash back credit card allows you to earn a percentage of your card spending back and you can redeem your rewards in the form ...
A solid strategy is to choose a card that offers 2% cash back on all purchases. This rate is double the average 1% offered by most cards as a base rate on general spending. The cards we’ve ...
Using the right cash-back card strategically can earn you hundreds of dollars a year and thousands of dollars over time. But the best choice isn't always obvious. Cash-back cards earn rewards at ...
These 2% cash back cards vary based on other benefits, like introductory APRs or welcome bonuses, but still offer users a high return on their spending no matter where they swipe their card.
But since a regulatory change in 2010, there aren’t many cash back debit cards left. The Durbin Amendment limited the fees that debit card issuers could charge merchants, which caused most of ...