The next municipal election in Calgary, the first to include political parties, will be held on Oct. 20, 2025.
The mayor's comments are the latest jab in an ongoing war of words between the city and the provincial government over the ...
The CPS budget shortfall is the result of revenue loss brought on by new provincial rules limiting the use of photo radar.
Residential property taxes are set to increase by 8.9 per cent this year, despite what the city is calling the lowest ...
Combined, Calgary residences can expect an 8.9 per cent tax hike this year, according to the city, while commercial ...
Calgary city council will also send the Government of Alberta an invoice to recoup costs of collecting the provincial share of property taxes this year.
Blanket rezoning will be a big issue as Communities First, a city party, wants to scrap it as the first order of business ...
The city is proposing changes to its outdoor watering rules, but annual restrictions that limit households from watering ...