Discussion regarding diamond investments creates vast disagreement among those who enjoy jewelry as well as financial buyers.
Lab-grown diamonds outpace natural stones when it comes to engagement rings. Here’s why, and what to consider when shopping.
Here are some things you should know before you buy a diamond ring from Costco (COST)—or anywhere else. Many big-box stores like Costo sell diamond jewelry. Costco does not offer cleaning or ...
Following a catastrophic downfall, new bankruptcy filings reveal details about how to buy Diamond's remaining assets.
Mr. Cuadros is the author of “When We Sold God’s Eye: Diamonds, Murder, and a Clash of Worlds in the Amazon.” In the lead-up to Valentine’s Day, people across the world rush to buy diamond ...
Kali Muscle on MSN26d
I’ll Buy Gold Diamond Teeth
Kali Muscle steps into the world of luxury dentistry, getting custom gold and diamond grills. From discussing different karat levels to debating permanent vs. pull-out options, he breaks down his ...