The authors discuss the Global Burden of Disease Study ... mortality from such causes, mostly associated with poverty, remains a priority for public health policy, particularly because most ...
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a formidable health challenge, claiming over a million lives annually despite advancements in ...
A death attributable to antimicrobial resistance was directly caused by it, while a death associated with ... world has improved quality of health care for infections and better access to antibiotics.
Strict changes to immigration policies nationwide create a public health crisis in overcrowded detention centers, draining ...
Infections requiring hospitalization were associated with increased risk for ... Trump administration ordered the nation’s various health agencies to freeze public communications.
New research highlights AI's role in improving diabetes management through personalized treatment, early complication ...
The global incidence and prevalence of diabetes continue to rise, increasing rates of associated disability and mortality while imposing a substantial economic burden.
As a gay man in an open marriage, Charette also decided to get the HPV vaccine, choosing to pay out of pocket to be immunized rather than risk another HPV infection or HPV-associated cancer.
A first-of-its-kind study provides a snapshot of the substantial mental health burden on nurses around the ... access to mental health services, and self-care practices. The researchers found ...