and known as the British Raj. The British Raj had a big impact on the lives of people in both India and Britain. Indian migration and indentured labour After the slave trade was abolished ...
Discuss the British perception of India and Britain’s role in the subcontinent Examine the methods used by the British to establish and then maintain control of India. To the British, India ...
This part will provide a narrative account of the history of the dissenting academies, their origins, developments, objectives, and differences, and their contribution to Protestant dissent and ...
Before British Raj coffee was born out of the idea of decolonising the history of coffee in the Indian subcontinent and bringing to the fore its Indianess. Before British Raj coffee was born out ...
Veteran naval historian Fuller, author of Clad in Iron: The American Civil War and the Challenge of British Naval Power and other works, takes a look at the crisis in British capital ship design and ...