A total of 102 patients were diagnosed with brain abscess between January 1994 and April 2009. Median age was 47 years and 65% were male. This yields an estimated incidence of 0,4/100.000/year.
"While we are amazed by ChatGPT's knowledge on the management of brain abscesses, there are some key limitations when it comes to using the AI model as a medical device, including potential ...
Brain abscesses are localized infections within the brain that can arise from various sources, including dental infections, trauma, or the spread of infection from other parts of the body.
anginosus makes up part of the physiological oral flora, it is highly likely that bacteremia occurring during dental cleaning was causal in the development of the brain abscess. Dr. med.
Background Brain abscess is a potentially fatal disease. This study assesses clinical aspects of brain abscess in a large hospital cohort. Methods Retrospective review of adult patients with ...