BRIN inaugurates the Begonia Garden greenhouse at Bogor Botanical Gardens as part of strengthening the functions of education ...
Kebun Raya Cibinong satu-satunya kebun raya yang dibangun dengan konsep kawasan atau miniaturnya hutan-hutan yang ada di ...
In Bogor City, intense rainfall was reported in Cisadane, IPB, Katulampa, and Bogor Botanical Gardens, affecting Muarasari, Cipaku, Pasir Jaya, Gunung Baru, Tegal Gundil, and Cisarua. Worsened by ...
Cibodas Botanical Garden Cibodas Botanical Garden terletak di kawasan ... Vihara ini memiliki arsitektur khas Tiongkok dan merupakan salah satu vihara tertua di Bogor. Selain untuk ibadah, Vihara ...
This year, the South China Botanical Gardens, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) identified a previously unknown species of bamboo, Gelidocalamus fengkaiensis, found in Qixingding Nature ...
Debra Smith Thanks to 10 large greenhouses – each tailored to a specific theme – this 190-acre botanical garden offers a scenic year-round respite from the metropolis' downtown core and a ...