Kayaker Adrián Simancas describes what it was like being swallowed briefly by a humpback whale off the coast of Chile.
He described feeling a "slimy texture" and seeing "colors like dark blue, white" before being pulled under. Fortunately, within seconds, the whale released him, allowing Adrián to resurface unharmed.
But across various blue whale populations, high pregnancy rates of 33-50% annually seem to contradict the average 3.1% rate of sightings of blue whales involving mother-calf pairs.
A humpback whale briefly engulfed a kayaker off the coast of Chile in an incident caught on camera. Experts say it couldn't have swallowed him even if it wanted to.
Adrián Simancas, 23, was kayaking off Chilean Patagonia when he found himself inside a whale.
The whale took Adrián in its mouth and went back underwater, The Washington Post reported. “When I turned around, I felt on my face like a slimy texture; I saw colors like dark blue, white, something ...