the Pacific and Atlantic blue marlin. They readily consume a wide variety of prey items, mostly consisting of small tunas but also deepwater squid, bottom fish and other available forage. Anglers ...
A South Pacific angler hooked and landed a 732-pound marlin by himself recently from a 16-foot boat that could barely contain the enormous billfish. As explained by Blue Marlin World Cup ...
Marlin fishermen know that where there are small tuna, blue marlin congregate. Should this occur in spawning areas, the fish can be big. I yearned to return to these mystic islands to see for ...
A legendary blue marlin hotspot where ocean currents collide, creating the ultimate sport-fishing playground The post Royal ...
When they are alarmed, these animals will show off the eponymous iridescent blue rings that cover their body and arms. But their adorably small size and Instagrammable appearance is deceptive: ...
the blue marlin. Often, they will be encountered on the edges of deepwater reefs in places like Panama, Costa Rica and Australia. In places where black marlin are concentrated, live-baiting is an ...
Blue Marlin A large and resilient fish. The Blue Marlin is considered a prize by even the most experienced fishermen. Aquatic life flourishes in the world of Palia. Bodies of water are often great ...
The blue marlin is one of the Museum's largest ever specimens preserved whole in fluid - and an innovative technique will make this enormous fish last. When a blue marlin stranded on a beach in ...