City of Erie landlords are required to give renters a copy of the city's new tenants bill of rights, approved by Erie City Council in January.
Lawmakers are currently debating a bill that would empower property owners to evict squatters with just a 24-hour notice.
A controversial bill that describes itself as “promoting a safe and supportive public education system” was the subject of more than six hours of debate by ...
OLYMPIA — House Democrats advanced a bill in the early hours of Thursday that will undo several provisions of a popular Republican-backed parents’ rights initiative passed by the Legislature ...
A bill to boost the protections of thousands of domestic workers including housekeepers, nannies, caregivers, and gardeners ...
“MCC categories apply to merchants,” said Nebraska Bankers Association lobbyist Ryan McIntosh. “Individual products do not ...
According to its text, House Bill 4938 if passed would get rid of the department by redirecting their duties to other state ...
On Monday afternoon, the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee will hold a hearing to discuss Senate Bill 1438, introduced by ...
A bill strengthening protections for domestic animals is being voted on in the State Senate on Monday. If passed, it would ...
Those who oppose the bill alleged that it's all smoke and mirrors, and the establishments listed are puppy mills disguised as ...
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) - House lawmakers are looking at a bill codifying rights for sexual assault victims. The bill states ...
The proposal is part of a push by Republican legislators aimed at helping property owners deal with squatters.