"Thank god it wasn't brown bear mating season," JBL chuckled. Layfield noted that the bear's lack of front teeth likely saved ...
When the bear was gone, I sat on a log. I was physically exhausted and felt more tired than hurt from the bear’s attack. All I wanted to do was rest. As I sat on the log, I watched the blood drip from ...
There has only been one fatal bear attack since 1936, which occurred in 2006. The vast majority of bear encounters in the country end peacefully, usually with the bear deciding to leave the area.
One such hunter was Richard Wesley, who late last month survived a black bear attack while turkey hunting in Ontario. A video of the encounter , seen nearly 4 million times, serves as a reminder ...
Greg Boland, Chief Strategy Officer, Tiger Brokers Australia The market terminology of ‘bull’ and ‘bear’ is thought to be ...
Authorities have warned about an increased risk of wildlife attacks after a black bear injured two rangers in Wangqing county, Jilin province. In an announcement on its WeChat account on Friday ...
Animal control visited the owner's home the day after the attack and found that dog, a white pit bull named Luna, wasn't properly confined, according to court records. The owner also failed to ...
Locals said that Singh struggled and fought with the bear before succumbing to the attack. Hearing his cries for help, his daughter-in-law and nearby villagers rushed to the spot and found his ...