Harmonic minor ... chords. There is another version of the minor key known as the melodic minor. This is used when writing a melody. Each key signature has two possible keys. The major key and ...
With some basic guitar chords (C ... try making up your own progressions mixing major 7s with basic major and minor chords. Look at the tab and you’ll see that Cmaj7 and Fmaj7 resemble those ...
Guitar skills: 'Add’ chords come in the form of either ‘add9’ or ‘add11’. The name tells you to add either a 9th or 11th interval to a basic major or minor chord. So, Cadd9 is a C chord ...
Black dots are root notes. Get a folk vibe to your playing with these chords, which are more colourful and interesting than the simple open major chords you may already know. each shape uses open ...
Basic chordal character and tonality is dictated by the third note of a triad, with this note expressing whether a chord is major or minor, or to put it another ... when played rhythmically on an ...