Barry Bonds says he can still hit 100 MPH pitches "100? That's easy." Many fans didn’t doubt Bonds’ claim. I believe it. As long as he still has some bat speed, there's no reason to ...
"Oh, I'm going Barry Bonds. I need a San Francisco Barry Bonds bat from one of them home runs in that 60-something home run season. Barry Bonds, the greatest of all time. Top-10 athlete of all time.
But when Barry Bonds says it, we should probably listen ... all I did was change this object to a bat. I ain't gotta change nothing. I just changed the object ... Now if you're asking me to ...
"We want AROD and BONDS" - One fan posted on social media ... but also his iconic 2015 ALDS bat flip celebration. One of the most popular and successful game modes in the entire video game ...
In many arguments about the best player in baseball history, Barry Bonds, no matter the controversy around him or the fact he isn't in the Hall of Fame, is going to get his fair share of votes.
Seven-time MVP Barry Bonds ... flip their bat up in the air, get a taco, come back down, have a limo, drive around, all these antics that we weren’t allowed to do," Bonds said.
But Ohtani has not fully impressed MLB’s all-time home run leader, Barry ... their bat up in the air, run around, get a taco, come back down and have a limo drive them around," Bonds said.