But the barn owl has a pure white underbelly, which would seem to make it easy for prey to detect. It also has a round white face. The team wondered if the unique coloring helps the owl to blend ...
The barn owl’s distinct heart shaped face is also a distinguishing feature its eyes appear somewhat small and dark. The barn owl stands just over 30cm tall when perched and has a relatively ...
The ghostly sight of a barn owl (Tyto alba) flying silently and slowly at night is a rare thrill. There is a lane near my home where we often catch the almost white, slow and stately wing beats of a ...
Flying silently through Nick Davis’ almond orchard, a barn owl swoops through the blossoming trees, listening for the slightest rustling of what could be its next meal. With one-inch talons and ...
A barn owl returned to Jackal Creek after it was taken for treatment, and residents were there to witness the release.