Army ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps ... At the conclusion of each leadership opportunity the cadet is mentored and critiqued by professional military officers and sergeants. During the senior ...
The CPDT program is an excellent supplement to your Cadet training, giving you the chance to experience the Army outside of ROTC. Slots are limited and competition is high, so you should discuss the ...
I am an Army cadet. Soon I will take an oath to become an Army officer. Committed to defending the values which makes this nation great. Honor is my touchstone. I understand mission first and ...
Do you want to serve your country as an Army officer? The training each Cadet receives through the Reserve Officer Training Corps Program (ROTC) program is extremely beneficial in preparing future ...
CC Form 139-R: Complete sections 1 through 53 only. Note: The CC Form 139-R is NOT a Contract that obligates the Cadet to a career in the Army. It is the proper registration information that is ...
The typical weekly schedule for an Army cadet includes physical training, academic instruction, and hands-on field instruction. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, cadets meet at 6:30AM (0630 in ...
The Cadet Leadership Academy develops leaders of character for the Total Army, public or private entities, other military services, and civic organizations for the good of our Nation, and the states ...
With the slogan of unity and discipline, the National Cadet Corps (NCC ... Candidates with NCC certificates get exemptions in many government jobs including the army, and police.
Students who take military science courses may also participate, by contractual arrangement with the Department of the Army, in the process that leads to a commission. Each cadet must take, in ...