Pretty much everyone will sometimes struggle with anger at work. People fear the wrath of abusive supervisors, suppress anger to maintain a façade of professionalism, or vent anger toward co-workers ...
Breaking the chains of generational trauma isn't easy. It’s messy, painful, and often exhausting. If you've been on this journey, you might wonder if you're making progress. Healing isn’t always ...
Is the constant news barrage making you anxious and stressed? Tune down your stress response with friends and peaceful places ...
The insistence on adopting reductionist black and white, oppressed and oppressor dynamics and frameworks will never help break the vicious cycle and disrupt the entrenched narratives, even if ...
Purpose:to educate and to learn about Anger Management Skills ... weekly session 60 minutes Certificate at the end of cycle Facilitator : A Bilingual licensed Mental Health Clinician .Certify ...
we found no straightforward way to understand the complexity of the life cycle of anger and how to manage it most effectively. Police say they woke the woman and she appeared to be impaired ...