Vintage specialist Retro Games Ltd says it plans to release a full-sized Amiga 1200 but is being held up by legal issues.
The board, controlled by a PIC32, patches into the Amiga keyboard and monitor. This allows you to bring up an overlay menu for controlling the emulator in order to configure which virtual floppy ...
Now, thirty years too late, here’s [Jason Neus] with just the machine we wanted, in the shape of an ATX form factor Amiga motherboard with those all-important PCI slots and USB for keyboard and ...
It was closer to a PC than a gaming console with its own operating system, screen, keyboard, and mouse. The Amiga PC series, which operated from 1985 to 1996, continues to be remembered ...
Slice Mode allows you to slice up your samples and map them across the keyboard (perfect for Amen ... sample formats compatible with the original Amiga, including .iff, .8svx and .raw files.
It was closer to a PC than a gaming console with its own operating system, screen, keyboard, and mouse. The Amiga PC series, which operated from 1985 to 1996, continues to be remembered ...