In the rich waters of South Africa's coasts, 6 key breeding colonies of the African penguin are now no-go zones for ...
Many penguin species also compete with industrial fisheries for food ... dramatic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions necessary to curb the global warming that threatens all penguins. Get the latest ...
Imagine looking at the world through the stalked compound eyes of krill in the Southern Ocean. All of a sudden, a penguin ...
This leads to relatively high divorce rates that are not universal across all penguin species. "In good times, they mostly stay with their partners, although sometimes an affair happens ...
"Cutest fluffmonster of all time," another person commented on ... are the world's second-largest penguin species. Chicks are known for their fluff, which they will mostly lose once they fledge ...
But like all wildlife, they are not impervious to ... Experts say that of the 18 penguin species, 5 are endangered — Galapagos, African, northern rockhopper, erect-crested, and yellow-eyed ...
The fisheries department has two weeks to ensure the closure of no-fishing zones around six key penguin breeding areas.
One of Brookfield Zoo's penguins is in the running for the 2025 March of the Penguins Madness. Find out when the tournament ...
Six African Penguins at the New England Aquarium in Boston have made a new home on an island designed to address the aches ...
The U.S. Endangered Species Act has been used before to ... My colleagues and I in 2012 looked at all known emperor penguin colonies identified in images from space and determined that every ...
By agreement between all parties pelagic fishing permits must be amended within 14 days to protect six key penguin breeding ...
Settlement secures biologically meaningful foraging areas for African Penguins for next decade to help bring the species back from the brink of extinction.