Alex Reben makes art with (and about) AI. I talked to him about what the new wave of generative models means for the future of human creativity. Chung’s exhibitions are driven by technology ...
Gli Scenari dell’AI Art. CIFRA presenta un talk online con Rebecca Pedrazzi e artisti digitali - il 6 marzo alle 10.00 su ...
AI art is the term used for any design created by artificial intelligence, with a staggering average of 34 million images being created every day in 2024. Platforms such as Adobe Firefly ...
This is partly due to generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney. These tools can produce human-like text, art, and even video. What was once considered a human skill is now in the hands of a ...
Oltre un anno è trascorso dall'annuncio della seconda stagione di Call of the Night, celebrato tanto dagli appassionati ...
Futuri Media, counted among the pioneers when it comes to AI-enabled innovation for the publishing and media segment, said their AI audio solution, FuturiBooks, will be a boon for both publishers ...
Ascoltare le esigenze degli ingegneri e garantire la stabilità previdenziale ai futuri pensionati. Questi gli obiettivi dell'ingegnere Massimo Cerri, presidente dell'Ordine degli Ingegneri della ...